' note : as the FieldType (XeDDataType) is actually a 1 char string we will have
' to assign it using, for example XeDDataType=CHR(FieldType_Integer)
Global Const FieldType_String = 0
Global Const FieldType_Integer = 1
Global Const FieldType_Float = 2
Global Const FieldType_Date = 3
Global Const FieldType_Time = 4
Global Const FieldType_Decimal = 5
Global Const FieldType_Money = 6
Global Const FieldType_Logical = 7
Global Const FieldType_Numeric = 8
Global Const FieldType_Bfload = 9
Global Const FieldType_Lstring = 10
Global Const FieldType_Zstring = 11
Global Const FieldType_Note = 12
Global Const FieldType_Lvar = 13
Global Const FieldType_Unsigned = 14
Global Const FieldType_AutoInc = 15
Global Const MAXKEYS = 9
Type PosBlkDef
pb As String * 128
End Type
Type KeyBufDef
kb As String * 64
End Type
Type DummyBuffDef
dummy As String * 256
End Type
Type KeySpecDef
Position As Integer
Length As Integer
Flags As Integer
Tot As Long
Type As Integer
Reserved As String * 4
End Type
Type FileBufDef
RecLen As Integer
PageSize As Integer
IndxCnt As Integer
NotUsed As String * 4
FileFlags As Integer
Reserved As String * 2
Allocation As Integer
KeySpec(20) As KeySpecDef
End Type
Type VerBuffDef
MainVer As Integer
SUbVer As Integer
Type As String * 1
End Type
Global BtErr(140) As String
Declare Function wbtrvinit Lib "wbtrcall.dll" (init As Any) As Integer
Declare Function wbtrvstop Lib "wbtrcall.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function btrcall Lib "wbtrcall.dll" (ByVal op As Integer, pb As PosBlkDef, db As Any, Dl As Integer, kb As Any, ByVal Klen As Integer, ByVal Knum As Integer) As Integer
'Declare Function wbtrvinit Lib "wbtrlocl.dll" (init As Any) As Integer
'Declare Function wbtrvstop Lib "wbtrlocl.dll" () As Integer
'Declare Function btrcall Lib "wbtrlocl.dll" (ByVal op As Integer, pb As PosBlkDef, db As Any, Dl As Integer, kb As Any, ByVal Klen As Integer, ByVal Knum As Integer) As Integer